Coming together for change to end the family court crisis 

Efforts to End Abuse


We are a national coalition of advocates coming together to ensure
child safety is a top priority
in divorce court.  

It is estimated that 58,000 children each and every year into unsupervised contact with physically or sexually abusive parents following divorce in the United States while the safe parents are
prevented from protecting them.  

The number of children murdered by their abusive parents in custody situations has risen to at least 657 in just over ten years.

Adverse childhood experiences are also rising for abused children of divorce and separation.

Children placed with abusive parents while their safe parents try unsuccessfully to protect them are doubly traumatized.  The child's critical attachment bond to the nurturing parent is broken, and the child is re-injured by the abusive parent.

We are here to change this.

Improving Outcomes for Child Safety

Our work takes us to Capitol Hill, State Capitols and local districts.  We reach out to those who can help us bring change by educating all on the family court crisis and the need to protect children.  

Congressional Resolution

H. Con. Res. 72 is a launching point for states to make child safety a first priority in custody ajudications.  This has now passed in the House and will next go to the Senate.

California State Reform

California has recently introduced new legislation to help ensure child safety is a priority.  Advocates are also working towards accountability for our judges and boards.

Conferences & Events

Our affiliates and members continue to work with those on the local levels to improve the awareness of the family court crisis. Conference and events continue from coast to coast.
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